I found this online at Weight Watchers, and it's a great exercise. It goes along the line of declaring why you're on this journey.
Decide what you want to change about your life right now. Are you feeling overextended by family and work commitments? Stressed by recent life changes? Tired of not feeling good about yourself? All of these circumstances can impact your weight loss.
Write down what you're struggling with and how you want those things to change. Include your Winning Outcome (a subscribers-only tool from Weight Watchers Tools for Living). Declare your weight goal, and say how your think your life will be different when you reach it.
2. Use the declaration below as a guide.
Copy and paste the text into a document of your own, replacing the underlined words with your own struggles, goals and strategies. Print it out and post it somewhere prominent (like on your refrigerator). Refer to it whenever you feel you need a boost.
3. Post your declaration on our Message Boards.
Use our example below as a guideline, or make up your own. Try it now.
My Declaration of Independence
When, in the course of my life, it becomes necessary for me to change how I handle certain aspects of my life, I know that I have enough strength to do that.
After all, I have a right to feel healthy, live to a ripe old age and enjoy myself.
I shouldn't have to feel tired, depressed and unattractive, and I refuse to feel that way anymore.
I know losing weight is hard. When it comes to food, I have an especially hard time with chocolate, pizza and food lying around the office.
But it's worth it to me to dedicate myself to the task of losing weight, and I will do what it takes to meet my weight goal of 140 pounds.
I am dedicated to my plan for weight loss, and to get there, I will exercise three times a week. And I will make time for myself without feeling guilty about it.
Now is my time, and I WILL make it happen. This is my Declaration of Independence from the obstacles I struggle with daily. Let the fireworks begin!
My declaration would look like this:
When the going gets rough, the tough get going. I am a strong, beautiful woman. I want to know that every time I look in the mirror.
I have the right to health and happiness, and don't want to drag around needing naps. I want to have energy that helps me make every day a good one.
I will not feel unattractive, depressed, ugly or tired anymore. I have just a short time on this earth and I am going to live it as the best me I can.
Losing weight is hard. I will not be perfect but persist, starting over after each mistake. I binge when I'm upset, and eat more than I want to at barbeques and restaurants. I am weak in the face of chocolate but know that nothing is off-limits when eaten in appropriate portions.
I am worth this hard work. Nothing tastes as good as feeling good feels. And so I will work every day on improving myself and loving myself, making myself and my health a priority.
I am dedicated to losing weight. I will exercise at least every other day. I will track what I eat, assess proper portion sizes and rate my daily food intake.
There is no time like the present. I can do this. I have success in other areas of my life and this will be no different.
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