Monday, March 10, 2008


Being Fat makes Shrinking Ang crabby! Part of my failure at weight watchers is that lack of progress doesn't usually make me motivated to work harder. It makes me want to say 'Eff it.'

For instance - I gained a pound two weeks ago, stayed the same this week. So how did I react? I ate ice cream for three days straight. Didn't journal or count points. Skipped out on water and indulged in wine. Ate out, twice.

I think I've analyzed where that kind of skewed thinking comes from - I figure I work my ass off and nothing happens, so screw it I wont work my ass off and nothing will happen. If I have to skip ice cream to do this and "this" doesn't happen, then I'll just eat ice cream. If there is more faulty thinking about this topic, I don't know what it is (note: I have ALOT of faulty thinking about food, among other things).

Anyway, I made gourmet tonite - stuffed mushrooms. They were about 10 points worth, but I had a kick ass walk with Zu through Pioneer tonight. She starts whining the closer we get to the park, I guess it's her way of telling me she loves our walks. Thank goodness it's lighter outside, it's possible to get a little more done in our days.