Sunday, March 30, 2008

Doing It

It has been more than a week since I did daily journaling of food. More than a week since I've been to the gym.

And I still lost two pounds.

No idea how that happened, but I do know this: I am a busy girl. This campaign job is a lot harder than I expected and takes a lot more time. We are talking HOURS on the phone. And since my bluetooth went through the wash this morning, I'm going to be limited on my connection capability in the car.

So here's the problem: I am too busy to work out. But if I don't work out and take care of myself, nutritionally, physically, emotionally, I'm going to get sick and then REALLY not be able to do anything. That would suck more.

So, I'm going to the gym this week, or taking a walk. Committing to at least 30 minutes of SOMETHING each day. And I HAVE To do my PT every day, alternating traps and core. My shoulder and neck were KILLING me last nite, I had a headache the likes of which I haven't known in months, and I'm certainly not going back to monster pain every day. Making this a lifestyle change doesn't mean I get to skip any of that. It's hard, but I can do it because I always do.

Craig told me this week that a year ago, or even 8 months ago, facing a week like last week would have made me retreat to bed and hide. True: I spent a lot of the summer napping rather than accomplishing the things that were freaking me out. Good escape mechanism I guess, but didn't make anything better.

So, here we go. Craig has a great menu planned out, is a domestic diva like no other and I just get to take care of me for a few weeks. I'm gonna rock this. I'm down to 245, which is about where I was before the holidays. So if I can lose another 8 pounds or so in April, I might just be able to fit into some of the clothes I want.

You know, here's something interesting about my take on clothes. I dont want to be a size 4 or 6. I'd be happy at 14 or 16. Just being able to go into any store and buy what I want. There's a downtown boutique that has some cute dresses, nothing in Plus sizes. I refuse to dress like a 50 year old woman. Because I'm NOT A 50 YEAR OLD WOMAN! I am a beautiful child of God and it's in Her image that I'm created, any weight, any size. And so in worshipping God, it's important to remember that destroying my body, a gift from Her, is destroying her image as well.

Ready or not here I come!