Monday, November 5, 2007

I'm Back!

Aside from some, um, complications resulting from the excessive amount of antibiotic I've been on, I FEEL GOOD! Notice, not great, but good for sure. I can breathe and it's inaudible; I don't pee nearly as much as I did last week from coughing; my cough doesn't convince people I have ebola. I need to let my breathing climb to 100 percent before working out, but I'm on the way.

Last week at WI, I gained 3.2 pounds. Now, I was of the opinion that was the result of being sick. At Saturday's WI, I was down 3.4, bringing the grand six week total to 5.6 pounds. That's about a pound a week, so right on track. Of course I'd hoped to move on the track faster but I also hadn't planned on missing out on two weeks from being sick.

A special benefit of being sick, I got sick from my medication on Sat. a.m. I decided to take it on an empty stomach so I wouldn't have anything to up the scale at WI. Half way through the meeting, I got nauseaus and thankfully made it to the parking lot before I started puking. Drove home and in the street, more of the lovely vomit. YUCK. Note to self, eating is allowed when on antibiotics.