Friday, November 7, 2008

Never Give Up

It is Nov. 7, and the election of my lifetime was decided three days ago. I thought it would never come. And it couldn't get over soon enough.

My entire adult life has featured the fear and oppression of the Bush administration. I read Obama's "Audacity of Hope" nearly two years ago, just before (or maybe after) he declared his candidacy. His words shook something in me that I didn't know existed.

Our country is broken. And Obama will not fix it. Not on his own. It will take the work of Democrats, Liberals, anarcharists, Republicans and members of each political party. It will take the believers and atheists, Muslims and Jews, all Americans regardless of sex, orientation, language, education or color to stand together for something we believe in: a country where dreams are nourished, where everyone gets an equal say (whether they feel that way or not) and where we get back up after every fall.

We said "Yes We Can" to get the man elected. Now, with the economy, war, and climate, we have an even bigger job in front of us.

Yes, We Can.