Saturday, October 20, 2007


Even in creating a new lifstyle for myself I can't avoid bad days. Guess I'm not as in-charge as I thought!

I have been sick a few days and today it really settled in. Coughing, lots of snot, headache. So I've been in bed, all day.

Craig downloaded the new Radiohead album yesterday. We were very excited until realizing that the new album came with a variety of viruses that essentailly crashed our computer. The guys at Best Buy wouldn't look at it bc Zu chewed on the cord and they didn't feel 'safe.'
Since diagnosing and cleaning cost a cool 300, Craig went to the refurbished-Mac store and just picked up a new computer for the same price. So now, my dream of an iBook has come true. Problem is - no word processing, no printer, and it's not nearly as fast as the old computer. We opened up my computer to see if we could get it in tip top shape, and the answer there is a big ol' no. Rather poo timing since I was going to let Christin have my computer until she could afford hers, but now I need to keep it for the Word capabilities.

We aren't going to the potluck tonite bc I am sick, but Craig made the dessert. The only bonus of not eating all day -- I have had two bowls of noodle kugel and have points to spare. Not going to the movie tonite after all, so wont have to save up for popcorn.

Working out is out of the question today and likely tomoro but at this point I can breathe. That's a good development.