Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rootin-Tootin Frootin

One of the things I hate about MT is the lack of fruit. Sure, we have some cherries, strawberries, some melons and I've even heard of the occasional peach. But this lack of fruit makes me a total weenie.

Pretty much the most exotic thing I eat is kiwi fruit. And that's a total pain in the ass to peel. So today when I was buying groceries, I looked at the mangoes and starfruit, the various pears and other tree-growing foods, but had no idea what one would do with such things. I've considered buying them and putting them in the fruit basket in the hopes someone would stumble in and say "oh, that. Let me fix it for you." In the meantime, I keep buying bananas and letting them go bad before I can eat all of them.

Other news in the fruit world - I want to make popsicles! I have the juice, frozen fruit and dixie cups to make it happen. But for the life of me, I don't know where to buy the sticks. My great aunt used to make pudding pops in tupperware things, and they were the highlight of my young life. Yu-UM-mm! But in the meantime, the frozen stuff just continues to take up room in the freezer. But then, so do the boxes of veggies I have in there and I wont even pretend those are getting eaten.

In other news, I did a freelance story today and happened to find the BEST CHILDCARE CENTER EVER. I am going to start saving money for the tuition now, and extracted a promise that I won't have to wait when I want my kids to get in. They are opening in a few weeks, so it just may happen that I could work for them. Some kid there has got to hate their parents, right?